Quelques heures seulement séparent les concurrents du grand départ de la Palermo-Montecarlo, la course au large, reine de l’été en Méditerranée. Au programme : 500 milles nautiques depuis le golfe de Mondello jusqu’en Principauté de Monaco, avec un passage de porte à Porto Cervo. L’épreuve fait le plein d’options tactiques, de choix météorologiques, de travail d’équipe et de belles manœuvres. Organisée par le Circolo della Vela Sicilia avec la collaboration du Yacht Club de Monaco et du Yacht Club Costa Smeralda et sous l’égide de la Fédération Italienne de Voile, de l’UVAI (Unione Vela d’Altura Italiana) et de l’IMA (International Maxi Association), la Palermo-Montecarlo en est à sa 18ème édition et confirme son statut de course au large qui attire aussi bien les unités que les grands noms de la voile. 12 nations sont annoncées au départ.
“This year again, the Palermo-Montecarlo is back in what has become a tradition and without a doubt shines a spotlight on the city as the regatta is important for tourism. So thank you to the Circolo della Vela Sicilia for their involvement as one of the three major club organisers of the competition,” said Palermo Mayor Roberto Lagalla at the press conference. “I am delighted to be with you on the eve of this particularly well attended edition. We are approaching its 20th anniversary and every year we see more and more well known figures, sailing champions, talented owners and boats with a glorious past. The attention shown by institutions and long-time partners encourage us to keep on improving. This year, many foreign friends as well as Italian participants have a chance to see the extraordinary art on display in the club to celebrate sailing as a sport and culture. And it’s wonderful for us to experience this with young students from the sailing school who are our future,” added Agostino Randazzo, President of Circolo della Vela Sicilia.
Nicola Vernuccio, Director General of Palermo which supports the event, Captain Fabio Rottino, second in command of western Sicily’s Maritime Department and Donatello Mellina from the Italian Sailing Federation also attended the conference.
Two other speakers of note who are close to the Circolo della Vela Sicilia were Matteo Plazzi, one of the most experienced all-round Italian sailors, longtime member of the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli team, and Alessandro Torresani, a young offshore sailor preparing for his first mini Transit who spoke of the Palermo-Montecarlo as being a source of inspiration for many young people. Short interviews with some skippers, owners, tacticians and personalities concluded the press conference, followed by a skippers briefing by this year’s Race Director, Fabio Barrasso from Liguria.