To close the season, H.S.H. Prince Albert II honors the Club’s sailors at the YCM Awards, which feature the UBS Trophy and reward young competitors from the Sports Section, as well as member sailors and helmsmen who sail at the highest level.
Prizes are awarded in two categories: the YCM Youth Awards for young competitors in the Sportive Section (Optimist, ILCA and Kite categories) and the YCM Awards for members who have best defended the Club’s colors during the regatta season.
The award is presented to owners/helmsmen who have brilliantly defended the colors of the Yacht Club de Monaco, based on the results submitted by members, underlining their commitment and excellence in competition.
The YCM Awards voting system reflects a balance between the involvement of Club members (50%), the general public (25%) and the Sports Section (25%), in order to reward racers in a fair and representative way.
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