The 45th Tour Voile just finished for the 14 crews competing in a tight-fought three weeks that saw 22 inshore and offshore races organised in six stage towns on the menu for 2024. Among participants was Nicolas Bouchet from Yacht Club de Monaco sailing on APCC Voile Sportive which finished 10th. This latest edition which started on 28th June in Dunkirk has proved a festival of top-flight confrontations that had spectators on the edge down to the last race.
The Tour Voile is a great opportunity for sailors to fine-tune skills and acquire invaluable experience. The route took them from Nordic shores in Belgium via Normandy and north Brittany, a demanding daring voyage of challenges for crews to tackle and/or avoid, ranging from shifting sandbanks to strong currents and rocks. Stopovers in six towns along the way from Dunkirk to Saint-Cast-le Guildo added extra spice to the adventure that united 108 sailors, a third of whom had participated in the previous edition.