Monday 4th March 2024. François Miribel from Yacht Club de Monaco has just unveiled a fabulous initiative entitled À Chacun Son Cap (“each to their own”) cruise.
This ambitious project aims to give children aged 10 to 17 from IHOPe in Lyon, who are in remission from cancer, a truly memorable experience. Thanks to the generosity of YCM members, from 21-27 April these young people will have the opportunity to sail along the coast between Hyères and Monaco on boats made available for the trip at no charge.
Among key players in this adventure, a big thank you to YCM members Neil Cheston, Andréa Statari, Christian Choquenet, Loïc Pompée, Paul Basson and of course François Miribel for putting forward their boats in an act that embodies the value of solidarity so indispensable to all seafarers. More than just a trip out to sea, for these youngsters in remission it’s a chance to experience life in the heart of the Mediterranean on an adventure that will end on 26th April at the Yacht Club de Monaco.
It is not the first time that François Miribel has had contact with this institution. A year ago, with his crew from the Sir Ernst, François visited children and adolescents in the Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Institute (IHOPe) in Lyon to talk about their experiences from their expedition to the Patagonia channels. Indeed, the children had been following the adventures of this Boréal 47 and her crew who included two penguin mascots called Palmito and Patagonia, the boat’s owner François Miribel, Fabrice Papazian and Thierry Leret from Yacht Club de Monaco.